127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


Mini dance festivals were hosted in the North, Central, West and South Corridors during this ¿ nancial year bene ¿ tting a total of 625 participants (295 male and 327 female) including 3 LGBTIQA. The daily dance programmes were implemented in the North, Central and East Corridors with a total of 632 participants (388 male and 244 female). South Corridor hosted a total of 6 dance auditions from 13 October 2019 to 6 December 2020 at various venues bene ¿ tting a total of 1 340 participants (707 male and 633 female). Central Corridor hosted a dance and fashion show making event for Freedom day at Rena Le Lona Diepkloof, Soweto with a total of 113 participants (67 male and 46 female); dance skills were also showcased during the Arnold Africa Classic Games through the Spatula competition that was held from 17–19 May 2019 with a total of 76 participants (57 male and 19 female). Drama/theatre and poetry programme bene ¿ tted a total of 11 680 participants (6 540 male and 5 134 female) and 3 LGBTIQA who participated in various genres of drama programmes which included 8 festivals, 8 mini festivals, 10 daily programmes and 9 training workshops. The drama programmes aimed at growing the quality and talent of groups both for performance and organising of programmes. Drama festivals bene ¿ tted a total of 2090 participants (1 066 male and 1 024 female): • These included a music, poetry and dance festival at the Ivory Park Car Wash, Johannesburg on 27 April 2019 with a total of 108 participants (61 male and 47 female). • A performing arts festival held at the Ivory park North Hall, Johannesburg on 7 and 6 May 2019 with a total of 397 participants (198 male and 199 female). • A dance and poetry festival at Rabie Ridge Community Hall, Region A, Johannesburg on 9 August 2019 with a total of 92 participants (23 male and 69 female). • Dance, music, theatre, poetry and sport events held at the Roodepoort City Hall from 9–13 December 2019 with 329 participants (169 male and 160 female). • Four dance, music, theatre, poetry and sport events held in Region C bene ¿ tting a total of 926

participants (495male and 430 female) as follows: at Tshepisong, Roodepoort from 9–12 December 2019 with a total of 359 participants (160 male and 199 female); Ruimsig in Roodepoort from 2–9 December 2019 with a total of 185 participants (122 male and 63 female); Westbury Region B, Johannesburg ) 9–13 December 2019 with a total of 287 participants (160 male and 127 female); and Davidsonville, Roodepoort with a total of 95 participants (54 male and 41 female). • Participation in the Makhanda National Arts Festival in the Eastern Cape on 28 June 2019 with a total of 8 participants (4 male and 4 female) representing Gauteng at the national festival. • A theatre mini festival held on 12 October 2019 at the Mohlakeng Recreation Centre in the West Rand with a total of 85 participants (46 male and 39 female). • A mini drama festival held at Saul Tsotetsi Sport Centre in Sebokeng on 2 and 20 November 2019 with a total of 145 participants (69 male and 76 female). Mini festivals bene ¿ tted a total of 743 participants (360 male and 383 female). • The North Corridor implemented a total of ¿ ve mini festival auditions for drama that bene ¿ tted a total of 602 participants (300 male and 302 female) which was held during the second quarter of 2019/20. • The South Corridor hosted one theatre audition at the Eldorado Community Hall on 19 October 2019 bene ¿ tting a total of 106 participants (51 male and 55 female); and a mini - festival audition was held at the Khutsong Community Hall in the West Rand on 7 July 2019, bene ¿ tting a total of 102 participants (66 male and 36 female). Daily theatre and poetry programmes were implemented in the North, West and Central Corridors bene ¿ tting a total of 6 475 participants (3 843 male and 2 632 female). The programmes consisted of daily theatre, music, dance and poetry programmes or sessions. These also included storytelling, indigenous games, colouring and painting, making Christmas cards, board games, word games, word puzzles and reading.



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