127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
4.2 Programme 2: Cultural Affairs The Cultural Affairs Programme promotes and supports creative arts and industries to position Gauteng in communities by identifying, developing and nurturing arts and culture in a conducive environment. The programme also aims to transform the provincial heritage landscape to promote and foster constitutional values in communities through honouring heroes and heroines, multilingualism and renaming of geographical features to contribute to social cohesion and nation building. The Cultural Affairs Programme has three sub- programmes: Creative Arts; Creative Industries; and Heritage, Languages, Information Knowledge systems and Geographical Names. These programmes set a total of 37 targets for 2019/20. Of these, 25 (68%) were achieved and 12 (32%) not achieved. 4.2.1 Sub-Programme: Creative Arts In the year under review, arts and culture programmes in schools and Corridors and through holiday programmes bene ¿ tted a total of 161 364 participants who attended these programmes. The department also provided ¿ nancial support to 59 community structures (30 Arts and Culture and 29 Sport and Recreation) through the grant-in-aid programmes. A new performance indicator, related to training and development of street buskers, was added during the adjustment period. The department implemented three arts and culture programmes (dance, drama and music) during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year in the ¿ veCorridors bene ¿ tting a total of 24 898 participants (12 797 male, 11 192 female and 9 LGBTIQA). Furthermore, 900 people participated in the Mamelodi Beer Hall on 29 February 2020 and 66 000 participants attended the Higher Education Institution Performance Festival at TUT Soshanguve campus on 4-5 July 2019. Dance programmes were implemented with a total of 4 309 participants (2 274 male, 2 032 female and 3 LGTBQIA). During the ¿ nancial year, the dance programmes included 8 dance festivals, 1 dance rehearsal and competition, mini corridor dance festivals, dance showcases, auditions, and daily
dance programmes and workshops. Programmes/ workshops and auditions in the Corridors served as part of the talent identi ¿ cation process in which regional of ¿ cials encourage groups to participate and prepare for festivals. The dance festivals, rehearsal and dance competition which bene ¿ tted a total of 1 354 participants (680 male and 674 female): • Fun dance festival held at Rabie Ridge Hall, Johannesburg on 25 September 2019 with a total of 114 participants (38 male and 76 female). • Central Region A hosted an Art Festival at Ivory Park North from 14-15 March 2020 with a total of 79 participants (33 male and 46 female). • The Johannesburg Dance Festival took place at Uncle Tom’s Hall in Soweto on 25 August 2019 with a total of 103 participants (55 male and 48 female). • The Calabash Festival Traditional Dance Competition was held at Kagiso Extension 2 Community Hall on 9 November 2019 with a total of 202 participants (96 male and 106 female). Pantsula Dance was showcased at the Kagiso Arts Calabash held at Mohlakeng Recreation Centre, West Rand on 27 September 2019 with a total of 75 participants (64 male and 11 female). • The Hot Pot Sunday Dance Festival entertained the community in Swaneville, West Rand on 21 September 2019 with a total of 127 participants (53 male and 74 female). • Two Clap and Tap festivals were held at Eldorado Hall in Sebokeng Zone 14 and at the Sharpeville Hall in the South Corridor bene ¿ tting a total of 445 participants (226 male and 219 female); to end the year off a Live Music/Dance and Healthy Living Style event at the Evaton Sports Hub in the South Corridor on 21 March 2020 with a total of 60 participants (25 male and 35 female). • The West Corridor hosted dance rehearsals for the Provincial Festival from 22–28 January 2020 with 20 male participants. in preparation for the provincial Ishashalazi Drama and Dance Festival.
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