127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
Annual Target: Maintain a maximum vacancy rate of 9% The department’s organisational structure is currently being reviewed to meet the objectives of the 6th administration which include advertising of vacant posts. It is advertising vacant posts on the structure. The Of ¿ ce of the Premier is abolishing posts that still appear on Persal that are not part of the new structure. Financial Management Annual Target: 100% invoices paid within 30 days • Internal controls are strengthened to ensure that procedures are followed and veri ¿ ed before services are rendered and payment requests are made. • Anew electronic invoicing systemwhere suppliers load invoices electronically after goods received have been con ¿ rmed is being implemented but there are still delays in submitting con ¿ rmations of payment. Measures have been put in place to ensure that the con ¿ rmations are fast tracked and timely submitted. • Any vendor database anomalies are communicated with vendors immediately through telephone and electronic devices whilst Gauteng Provincial Treasury is also requested to assist and to update the vendor database as soon as possible. Supply Chain Management Annual Target: Maintain a minimum 30% on women A vast number of sub-contracted black, women and youth-owned township-based SMME’s are not re À ected in the report and their accuracy cannot be veri ¿ ed as the department has to rely on contractors providing the information. The strategy to be
adopted by the department will allocate projects to targeted groups at the planning phase. Annual Target: Maintain a minimum 10% on youth A vast number of sub-contracted black, women, and youth-owned township-based SMMEs are not re À ected in the report and their accuracy cannot be veri ¿ ed as the department has to rely on contractors providing the information. Annual Target: Maintained a minimum 5% disability Additional interns were allocated to the SCM unit to assist with internal vendor management. The strategy to be adopted by the department will allocate projects to targeted groups at the planning phase. Changes to planned targets 2019/20 Programme 1 Administration - No changes were made during the adjustment period. Linking performance with budgets Programme 1: Administration: the ¿ nal budget appropriated was R153 836 million. Actual expenditure was R151 897 million (98.7%). The underspending was as a result of challenges in processing GG À eet invoices. The Fleet Information System (FIS) to allow automatic interface with Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA) accounts is not activated and this results in manual compilation of allocation attachments per vehicle, fuel consumption and cost centre which delays the payment process. There was also a delay in the conclusion of service level agreements and registration of non-pro ¿ t organisations that requested ¿ nancial support. The Of ¿ ce of the MEC spent R8 462 million (86.5%) and the Chief Directorate: Corporate Services spent R143 435 million (99.6%) of their respective allocated budgets.
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