127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
Reasons for deviations
department has to rely on contractors providing the information. Annual Target: Maintain a minimum 10% youth The reporting tool has proved to be prominent in the under-reporting in the of ¿ cial statistics provided by Treasury. Incomplete information was submitted for registration when youth owned companies registered on the Central Supplier Database. A very large number of sub-contracted township-based black, women, and youth-owned SMMEs are not re À ected in the report and their accuracy cannot be veri ¿ ed as the department has to rely on contractors providing the information. Annual Target: Maintain a minimum 5% disability The department spent a considerable amount of money on procurement through contracts for events management, transport, equipment and attire, infrastructure and other requirements. The equity results re À ect the ownership composition of the main contractors. Many sub-contracted to township- based black, women, and youth owned SMMEs. This information is not re À ected in the reports and their accuracy cannot be veri ¿ ed as the department has to rely on contractors providing the information. Strategy to overcome areas of under performance Human Resource Management Annual Target: Maintain a minimum of 3% disability rate Focused recruitment drive to people with disability is required in order to meet this objective. A service provider dealing with people with disability to assist with the recruitment of this category of candidates. The department is working with the GEYODI unit to strategise on how to best target people with disabilities. It may be necessary to consider road shows, where the department will showcase itself as an employer of choice to learning institutions for people with disabilities.
Human Resource Management Annual Target: Maintain a minimum of 3% disability rate The department started a structural review process, to ensure organisational alignment, with the priorities of the 6th administration. Annual Target: Maintain a maximum vacancy rate of 9% Recruitment, selection and appointment processes were delayed due to alignment of the organisational structure to the priorities of the 6th administration. Financial Management Annual Target: 100%: valid invoices paid within 30 days: • Challenges in processing of invoices and payments due to techinical errors in the system and exceptions in interfaces between ¿ nancial systems. • Veri ¿ cation procedures followed could not be con ¿ rmed timeously. • Vendor management challenges such as tax clearances not updated in the database, banking details on invoices and database differs, invoice numbers invalid or duplicated. • Con ¿ rmation that goods are received in good order not timely received. Supply Chain Management Annual Target: Maintain a minimum 30% on women The reporting tool has proved to be prominent in the under-reporting in the of ¿ cial statistics provided by Gauteng Provincial Treasury. Incomplete information was submitted for registration when women owned companies registered on the Central Supplier Database. A very large number of sub-contracted township-based black, women, and youth-owned SMME’s are not re À ected in the report and their accuracy cannot be veri ¿ ed as the
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