127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
• Increase allocation of budget to procure suf ¿ cient equipment.
To The Public Problems Encountered Corrective Steps Taken To Deal With The Challenges Library And Archival Services
Library Service for learners • Lack of libraries in schools. • Partnership with DoE in providing schools, especially rural schools, with book trolleys and revamping spaces in schools to turn them into libraries.
• Need for study space after hours. • Designing new libraries in such a way that the study rooms have separate entrances from the main entrance to allow after-hours access for study purposes.
• Extending library hours in libraries during exam time and appointing extra staff to assist during this period.
• Included Local government into the project teams when planning for the league programmes. This assisted with grounds being graded or facilities being marked.
Library books for the public • Lack of local content in library material/books. • Support for Gauteng emerging authors by advertising and buying their locally published books. • Lending of library material after hours and lending to remote patrons. Preservation of Gauteng archival material and providing access to the public
• Subscribing for e-books and e- newspapers to allow virtual lending 24/7. • Provide Gauteng libraries with computer workstations for the blind and visually impaired to enable them to access and read library material. • Install an electronic archival system in the Gauteng Archives to make the material accessible virtually. • Develop a Gauteng Records Management Strategy to acquire all Gauteng records that were misplaced or stored offsite in order to relieve government from offsite storage costs and make these records retrievable when needed.
• Calls for additional resources to meet the demand are made.
Sport And Recreation
• There is an increase in the number of learners and schools participating in school sport. • Insuf ¿ cient equipment for people to actively participate using proper equipment.
Library service to the disabled • Blind and visually impaired patrons unable to access and read library material. • Gauteng Archival Records inaccessible to the Gauteng public. • Lack of facilities.
• Facilities not maintained.
Services Delivered Directly
Leagues in various codes of sport in partnership with the federations
Coordinate the implementation of school sport for learners and schools.
Hubs provided with equipment and/ or attire as per the established norms and standards
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