127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


Confederation for active capacity building programmes, recreation events and programme to provide nutritional support to learners, athletes, coaches and more bene ¿ ciaries in the sector. The transfer will capacitate and enhance the role of the GSC’s Recreation Commission and its af ¿ liates in contributing to active participation, strengthen partnerships with relevant stakeholders, sport management and coordination within the province. Trainingwill be implemented virtually through the use of utilizing social media, communications, APP’s, to deliver training sessions. The training would focus on coaches, technical of ¿ cials, administrators; and club league programmes. Water safety programme will be implemented in conjunction with the Department of Education, Gauteng Aquatics and the Regional swimming af ¿ liates. The target group will be grade 1-3. Water safety education programmes will be implemented in schools as well as communities. A new approach to Capacity building shall be provided to 530 educators and volunteers to be trained to ensure the professionalization of coaching and technical of ¿ ciating within school sport. Furthermore, the department in collaboration with municipalities and DID, will be developing sport and recreation facilities by carrying out impact studies on infrastructure projects before funding is allocated. Equipment and/ or attire to be allocated to the 27 hubs, 180 clubs and 450 public schools and other programmes. Bespoke solutions will include adapting the closing dates of Major Sport events funding and open for funding throughout the forthcoming quarters to attract 4IR solutions as the context requires the department will engage the Public Broadcaster, Gauteng Film Commission and local media to package adapted solutions to reach the masses of Gauteng through digital solutions. Job opportunity for the youth will be created through working with township based sport practitioners such as ¿ tness instructor, dietitians physio’s to conduct VOD ideas (Video on Demand), streaming, podcasts, social media, webinars to reach participants from various walks of life in Gauteng to keep our citizens healthy. Work opportunities for at least 56 young people will be maintained; and will support GDE in strengthening the school league Programme.

programmes will be rolled out in all community libraries in Gauteng; more hospital and clinic libraries will be established; and the Born to Read programme will be rolled out. The Department of e-Government (e-Gov) in collaboration with DSACR will digitalise the Provincial Archives Repository in Kagiso to make records accessible through digital mediums, thus expanding access to the Provincial Archives. The Department of e-Government assists and guides the department with ICT related projects. Hard copy records will also be digitalised through the Electronic Archival System that contributes to the NAAIRS (National Automated Archival Information Retrieval System). The department in partnership with the National Archives is identifying all obsolete archival material (e.g. the Dictabelts in courts). This material will then be digitalised and made accessible to the public. The department delegates four of ¿ cials to attend archival training at the National Archives which is sponsored by France for the bene ¿ t of all provinces. As part of the collective history dating back to pre-colonial and apartheid times, the repatriation of Gauteng Province’s records to the repository avoids loss of records and enforces proper records management by government bodies. The department has developed a draft records management strategy which will be submitted for approval in 2020/21. Programme 4: Sport and Recreation The Gauteng Sport Confederation federations and other sport organisations conducted a survey on what the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown has on the sector sport and arts sector. Social cohesion is promoted through mass participation and most school sport programmes are contact sport in nature. All these are discouraged under the current restrictions that put an emphasis on social distancing however, the department will continue to provide of the school sport programmes to gravitate to a more virtual and theoretical approach, the following shall continue in the last ¿ nancial year. New programmes introduced are the International Wellness Day, Gauteng Yoga Day, Wellness Festival Tour and Gauteng Aerobics projects amongst others. The department provide support through fund transferred to the Gauteng Sport



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