127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
Fruitless and wasteful expenditure is recorded in the notes to the ¿ nancial statements when con ¿ rmed. The amount recorded is equal to the total value of the fruitless and or wasteful expenditure incurred. It is removed from the notes to the ¿ nancial statements when it is resolved, transferred to receivables or written off. Fruitless and wasteful expenditure receivables are measured at the amount that is expected to be recoverable and are de-recognised when settled or subsequently written-off as irrecoverable. 4.4.5 Future plans of the department In line with the COVID-19 Regulations as published, the department is adjusting the 2020/21 ¿ nancial year’s Annual Performance Plan (APP) to ensure the safety of all people during the delivery of arts, culture, sport and recreation; and Library and Archival programmes which include workshops, events and daily activities. This resulted in the re- prioritisation of budgets to be used for the relief of the COVID-19 pandemic where necessary whilst enhancing community safety during the implementation of programmes in line with guidelines on how programmes, workshops, events and other activities can be implemented. Programme 2: Cultural Affairs In line with the outcomes of the Gauteng Creative Industries Indaba held on 23 and 24 April 2019, the department developed a draft Gauteng Creative Industries Development Strategy to serve as a “blueprint document” for the Creative Industries sector to guide private, public and creative industries in creating initiatives; programmes to support businesses and workers within the creative sector in Gauteng. The product and enterprise development will continue to be implemented in 10 creative hubs as well as the market access initiatives across the Gauteng Province. The department will implement emerging fashion, visual arts and craft programmes with strategic partners in the industry such as Destiny Magazine and Samsung. Investment in and support for small, medium and large live arts and culture events is a critical intervention to increase the creation
of job opportunities in the music and performing industries and in the various related industries such as technical and production services, catering and hospitality. The department will thus provide ¿ nancial support to ten signature, local and community arts and culture events. Arts and culture programmes will continue to be implemented in the ¿ ve corridors across Gauteng, support will be provided to street buskers and arts and culture programmes will be implemented in 379 non fee-paying schools as part of the Wednesday Leagues programme. Transformation of the heritage landscape through the identi ¿ cation of routes linked to the struggle and community champions which contribute to tourism development in the province will be of high priority. Promotion of national symbols and national identity remains crucial to our efforts to instil patriotism in our communities and we will continue to work with the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) in promoting national symbols in our schools. We will ensure that national and commemorative days are celebrated on an inclusive intercultural basis. The department will continue working with the Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) to accelerate the building of Libraries of the Future which are an integral part of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The Rust Ter Vaal, Impumelelo and Akasia Community libraries will be completed and construction of three new libraries (Zuurbekom, Mullerstuine and Kocksoord) will commence with the planning and design during September or October 2020. In 2020/21, computer workstations for the visually impaired will be implemented in the following libraries: Atteridgeville, Randfontein, Simunye, Kokosi, Boipatong, Kagiso and Vischkuil. ICT infrastructure will be upgraded in 15 libraries. The department will improve the resources in the province’s libraries to address communities’ needs by expanding access to electronic books. The department will be working with the Department of Social Development (DSD) to ensure that the culture of reading is inculcated amongst children at the earliest development phase. Reading Programme 3: Library Information and Archival Services
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