127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


4.3 Signi ¿ cant events and projects in the year under review The department consolidated much of the work planned for 2016/17 to 2019/20. The department reports progress on key programmes in Part B, number 4. 4.4 Overview of the Financial Results of the Department 4.4.1 Departmental receipts The department’s own revenue raising capacities are limited. In the year under review, the following were its main sources of revenue: • Parking fees. • Interest received from third parties on collection of debts from employees. • Commission on garnishee orders effected. • Debt collection. • Sales of obsolete furniture. In accordance with prescribed tariffs, the department charges parking fees from of ¿ cials allocated parking space at the Head Of ¿ ce building. Over-collection for the year under review was due to recouping the costs for the use of parking bays from GFC of ¿ cials at the Head Of ¿ ce building since their relocation in August 2018, as well as from the sale of obsolete furniture in the department. Underperforming signi ¿ cantly were debts collected. The current debtor book is being reviewed to assess the viability of collecting the debts.

The 4th edition of the Gauteng Women in Sport Dialogue was hosted to highlight the accomplishments of South African women and to create a gateway for the province’s women in sport to take on the world by attracting the support of industry. The department continued to stimulate nation building and promote social cohesion by coordinating public viewing of the rugby match between South Africa and New Zealand on 21 September 2019 at the Reiger Park Rugby Stadium. The department invested in upskilling the business of sport by training 510 people (267 male and 243 female) to deliver school sport programmes; 624 people (408 male and 216 female) to deliver club academy programmes; and 50 people (25 male and 25 female) to deliver active recreation programmes in the hubs. The training focused on the skills needed to be pro ¿ cient in technical of ¿ ciating, coaching and sports administration and on the correct approaches and systems to be implemented. The 15 Wednesday Leagues programmes were supported to promote a sustainable and predictable school sport calendar while simultaneously creating a platform where talent and skills could be identi ¿ ed and improved. The department successfully coordinated the Provincial Girl Child Tournament aimed at promoting girls’ participation in school sport as well as promoting social cohesion through sport. The initiative attracted 800 female participants. Lastly, the Gauteng Sport Awards and the 6th edition of the Mandela Remembrance Walk and Run were successfully hosted during the ¿ nancial year.



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