127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
Programme 3: Library Information and Archival Services In June 2019, the department opened a hospital library at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto to promote and inculcate the culture of reading. A total of 21 libraries were upgraded with ICT infrastructure to improve the experience of library users and staff through enhanced technology and to attract more people to visit and make use of libraries. To improve delivery of community library services to the public, ¿ nancial support was provided to ten municipalities: three metropolitan municipalities, six local municipalities and one district municipality. The department conducted four outreach programmes to create awareness and promoted functions as well as the use of the province’s library services. The archives service implemented ¿ ve programmes including six records-management training sessions, two oral history programmes and three community outreach programmes on archives; 2 974 archival records were accessioned and 26 579 records were submitted by government organisation to the archives. Programme 4: Sport and Recreation The department continued to support and promote healthy lifestyles in the province by launching and hosting the wellness programme. To encourage an active citizenry and healthy lifestyles, active recreation events in all ¿ ve corridors took place during the year, bene ¿ tting 162 905 people (77 803 male and 85 102 female). The rural sport programme and rural coaching clinics were successfully implemented during the reporting year, concluding with a provincial rural games tournament held at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) and bene ¿ tting 62 clubs. The purpose of the coaching clinics was to give coaches and athletes in rural areas the opportunity to experience sporting codes other than netball and football and to upskill players and coaches. In addition, 43 local leagues with a total of 8 905 participants (4 157 male and 4 748 female) were supported with transport, catering, ¿ rst aid, medals and trophies.
games) of the planned programmes. The majority of targets not achieved were in the 4th quarter; mainly due to the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent nation-wide lockdown. The achievements during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year comprised of the following: Programme 1: Administration The department contributed to addressing the imbalances of the past by ensuring that previously marginalised groups of society were included in procurement of goods and services by the department, with 8.8% of youth representation in procurement. In terms of staff establishment, Human Capital maintained 54% of women representation at SMS level and 1.3% disability rate during this period. The department also overviewed the performance management of the Gauteng Film Commission (GFC), an entity of the department, and all reports were submitted to oversight bodies. Programme 2: Cultural Affairs Cultural Affairs hosted and implemented various programmes in the ¿ ve Corridors, including Corridor festivals showcasing drama, music, dance and awards. Over 161 360 people bene ¿ tted through the implementation of programmes. The Gauteng Social Cohesion Carnival created 3 547 job opportunities; and the department continued to educate and enlighten the communities about linguistic and human rights issues by hosting 12 multilingualism awareness campaigns aimed at encouraging learners to communicate in their indigenous languages. During the ¿ nancial year, the department provided ¿ nancial support for investment on small, medium and large sized live arts and culture events. The aim was to meet the need for critical interventions that would not only grow jobs in the music and performing arts sector but also in the various directly and indirectly related industries such as technical and production services, security, catering and hospitality.
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