127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


6. HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES STI, HIV and AIDS Management has 20 Peer educators across the department as part of the TB, STI, HIV and AIDS National Strategic Plan. Peer educators are trained to offer information, emotional supportandreferringemployees toexternal providers while maintaining con ¿ dentiality at all times. Peer educators form part of the Employee Health and Wellness Committee and meet on a monthly basis to monitor implementation of the programme. Employees going for health risk assessments are provided with health information on STI, TB, HIV and AIDS. Employee Health and Wellness (EHW) provides 24-hour counselling services for all SACR employees and their immediate families. During the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year, the department conducted ¿ ve health screenings which bene ¿ ted a total of 100 employees (33 male and 67 female). Women and Men Seminars were held during the third quarter with a total of 58 employees (25 male and 33 female) were educated about mental health, relationships, healthy diets (nutrition) and ¿ nancial wellness. In terms of Safety, Health, Environment, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) statutory appointments, 100 OHS representatives have been appointed for a period of three years (health and safety representatives, ¿ re ¿ ghters, ¿ rst aiders and evacuation marshals) from 2018/19 to 2020/21. 7. PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES The department attended ¿ ve portfolio committee meetings during the year under review and presented four quarterly reports, one annual report and one budget vote for 2019/20. The meetings were attended by the MEC accompanied by the Accounting Of ¿ cer and other Executive Members of the Finance Portfolio Committee. Questions raised by the Chairperson and Executive Members were addressed at the meetings where necessary, and written responses were provided to the relevant committees.

8. SCOPA RESOLUTIONS 2019/20 Not applicable for the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year. 9. PRIOR MODIFICATIONS TO AUDIT REPORTS The department received an unquali ¿ ed audit outcome with ¿ ndings on performance information in predetermined objectives and compliance with laws and regulations, and the opinion was not modi ¿ ed. All matters reported by the AGSA are followed up on a quarterly basis with the relevant managers and reported to the oversight committees. 10. INTERNAL CONTROL UNIT The department has a good working relationship with Gauteng Audit Services (GAS) which provides the Internal Audit function from a centralised point. Clear lines of accountability and protocols have been de ¿ ned with the department. This has enabled an environment for enhanced working relations, ensuring timely completion of the annual audit plan in terms of which eleven audits for the year were concluded. There is monthly monitoring of weaknesses identi ¿ ed, with the statistics showing that these have signi ¿ cantly reduced during the year. Through these internal audits, the department ensures continuous improvement in detecting and addressing gaps in the control environment and the department’s governance processes. 11. INTERNAL AUDIT AND AUDIT COMMITTEES Below is a description of the key activities and objectives of internal audit and the audit work undertaken.



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