127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


1. INTRODUCTION Commitment by the department to maintain the highest standards of governance is fundamental to the management of public ¿ nances and resources. Users want assurance that the department has good governance structures in place to effectively, ef ¿ ciently and economically utilise state resources funded by the tax payer. 2. RISK MANAGEMENT The department implemented its Risk Management Policy in the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year. The corresponding strategy and implementation plan have been approved and implemented. A complete risk pro ¿ le for the department has been developed and will be regularly monitored to ensure that identi ¿ ed mitigation measures are ef ¿ ciently implemented. Operational Risk Assessments were completed for all business units and the Strategic Risk Register was ¿ nalised in June 2019. Monitoring of action plans was carried out on a quarterly basis as well as identi ¿ cation of emerging risks/threats. The department’s Risk Management Committee has been established and is functional, with its advisory role to management on implementing the Risk Management system and managing risks to tolerable levels. Reports on the progress of risk mitigation measures have been provided to stakeholders including the Audit Committee which independently monitors the effectiveness of the Risk Management system. 3. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION The department has an approved Fraud Prevention Policy and Fraud Prevention Plan and implementation is monitored on a quarterly basis. A fraud risk assessment conducted at the beginning of the ¿ nancial year assisted with determining the department’s fraud risk pro ¿ le. The department’s Code of Ethics has been approved and implemented. Reporting fraud and corruption is through the National Anti-Corruption Hotline; internally to the Labour Relations Of ¿ cer, Accounting Of ¿ cer or Chief Risk Of ¿ cer; or to the of ¿ cial’s supervisor.

All incidents/cases reported through the Gauteng and National Anti-Corruption Hotlines are investigated by the Forensic ServiceUnit in theOf ¿ ce of the Premier and the Public Service Commission. Corrective measures are implemented as per the recommendations of the investigation reports. 4. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST The department implemented a Con À ict of Interest policy in the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year. This monitors the completion of ¿ nancial disclosures by SMS members, OSD, Level 11 and 12 of ¿ cials as well as all of ¿ cials within the SCM and Finance units. In line with the Risk Assessment Implementation Plan (RAIP), throughout the ¿ nancial year the department conducted awareness campaigns on Anti-Fraud and Corruption, Ethics and Integrity Management which includes con À ict of interest. In managing this, amongst other requirements the department requires that employees obtain approval from the Executive Authority before carrying out remunerative work outside the public service. Con À icts of interest are also declared by Bid Speci ¿ cation and Bid Adjudication Committee members and by interview panels. Incomplete declarations were referred to the department by the PSC and were acted upon; of ¿ cials found not to have fully disclosed their interests were disciplined. 5. CODE OF CONDUCT The department adheres to the Public Service Code of Conduct as outlined in Chapter 2 of the Public Service Regulations 2016 and has developed its own Code of Conduct Policy. The process followed for breach of the Code of Conduct is with respect to the Disciplinary Code and Procedures for the Public Service: Resolution 1 of 2003 (PSCBC) for Levels 1 to 12; and Chapter Seven of the SMS Handbook, the Disciplinary Code and Procedure for SMS members.



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