127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


4.4.4 School Sport During the ¿ nancial year, the department appointed and remunerated a total of 56 School Sport Coordinators (29 male and 27 female) to assist with implementing school sport programmes in collaboration with GDE and the Gauteng Schools Sport Structure (GSS); the programmes included tournaments, festivals and championships. These programmes were implemented in all 15 GDE districts with 2 500 schools (primary, secondary and LSEN) participating. During this period, the following 17 school sport structures were supported to coordinate and implement programmes at regional and provincial level: Gauteng Football Committee; Gauteng Netball Committee; Gauteng Volleyball Committee; Gauteng Rugby Committee; Gauteng Hockey Committee; District/Regional Chess Committee; Gauteng Tennis Committee; Provincial Chess structure; Provincial Kgati structure; Provincial LSEN (MID) Mildly Intellectually Disabled Football structure; District/Regional Volleyball structure; Provincial Basketball; Multi- Coded Structure; District/Regional Rugby Structure; Gauteng Gymnastics Committee; Gauteng School Sport Structure; and Gauteng Athletics Committee. The department supported 430 schools with equipment and attire to promote participation of schools in sport during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year and enable them to participate in provincial, district and regional tournaments. A total of 32 000 learners (15 734 male and 16 266 female) were supported to participate in school sport games at district level . The year kicked-off during the ¿ rst quarter 2019/20 with District/Regional Winter Games bene ¿ tting a total of 13 047 learners (6 520 male and 6 527 female). The second quarter 2019/20 included Provincial Spring/Summer games bene ¿ tting a total of 9 609 learners (4 555 male and 5 054 female); in the third quarter, Provincial Festival Games bene ¿ tted 315 learners (169 male and 146 female); the fourth quarter 2019/20 was rounded-off with Provincial Autumn Games that bene ¿ tted a total of 9 029 learners (4 490 male and 4 539 female).

School sport games were implemented at district level with a total of 7 500 learners (3 668 male and 3 832 female). • The games started-off during the ¿ rst quarter 2019/20 with Provincial Winter Games with a total of 1 941 learners (951 male and 990 female). • The second quarter 2019/20 was followed by Provincial Spring Games with a total of 1 933 learners (930 male and 1 003 female). • The third quarter 2019/20 kicked-off with Provincial Summer Games where a total of 1 590 learners (781 male and 809 female) participated in the games. • The fourth quarter was completed with Provincial Autumn Games bene ¿ ting 2 036 learners (1 006 male and 1 030 female) that participated in the games. A total of 510 people (267 male and 243 female) were trained to deliver school sport programmes during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year. The purpose was to provide them with the skills required to professionalise the school sport programme in basketball, gymnastic, and table tennis coaching; Football D License; netball umpiring and report writing. The training assisted to ensure that correct approaches and systems were implemented. The department supported training of participants who contribute to the delivery of the school sport programmes. The department coordinated the Provincial girl child games for both primary and secondary schools during the second and fourth quarter of the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year, attracting a total of 800 female participants. The tournament aimed at promoting girl child participation in school sport as well as promoting social cohesion through sport. Wednesday league programmes were held on 25 February 2020 in all 15 GDOE Districts. The purpose of the leagues was to promote a sustainable and predictable school sport calendar. These games were also a platform where talent and skills could be identi ¿ ed and improved. The department supported one school enrichment project held on 28 February 2020 at Randfontein stadium. The purpose was to promote vulnerable



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