127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


4.4.3 Recreation The department provided equipment and attire to all 5 Corridors (27 hubs) during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year as per the established norms and standards to assist programmes and enable events to be hosted. There were 51 events consisting of 8 active recreation events hosted by the 5 Corridors to promote an active citizenry, a healthier lifestyle and physical well-being. The programmes included 10 sport for social change campaigns, 9 aerobics classes, 9 hub tournaments, 6 Golden Games, 7 fun run/walks, 7 Indigenous Games, Recreation Day, the Move for Health programme and a Minister’s Community Outreach Programme. The active recreation events programme bene ¿ tted a total of 162 905 people (77 803 male and 85 102 female) which include 1 852 PWD. Of these 132 009 were youth; and 30 896 were elderly people. • The ¿ rst quarter kicked-off with games bene ¿ tting a total of 35 292 participants (17 444 male and 17 848 female), which included 337 PWD. Of these 8 629 were youth; and 6 663 elderly people. • The second quarter bene ¿ tted a total of 53 788 participants (23 762 male and 30 026 female), which included 756 PDW. Of these with 39 504 youth; and 14 284 were elderly people. • The third quarter attracted a total of 38 509 people (19 013 male and 19 496 female), which included 593 PWD. Of these 32 103 were youth; and 6 406 elderly people. • The last quarter had a total of 35 316 participants (17 584 male and 17 732 female), which included 16 PWD. Of these 31 773 were youth; and 3 543 elderly people. The department in partnership with the SRSA hosted the National Youth Camp at Mopani Lodge in Cullinan from 30 November to 6 December 2019. A total of 200 youth people (83 male and 117 female) participated in the camp as per the strati ¿ cation provided by SRSA in the National Youth Camp Framework Plan. The participants attended sessions on leadership, social cohesion, life skills, and nation-building and took part in the outreach programme where they implemented skills

learned into practice. The department facilitated and coordinated the Minister’s Community Outreach Programme on 17 May 2019 at the Hilton Hotel, Sandton with a total of 344 people (33 male and 311 female). Of these, 280 were youth; and 64 elderly people. These totals included 2 PWD who participated at the Women and Sport Policy Road Show. The event was attended by GPG stakeholders and other dignitaries from various sectors of women in sport. The department trained a total of 50 people (25 male and 25 female) in the hubs to deliver community Sport – Siyadlala (Recreation) programmes . Sport administration training was held from 14–16 February 2020 at Stay City, Johannesburg with a total of 25 participants (15 male and 10 female). These included 22 youth people and 3 PWD. Project Management training was held from 8–10 March 2020 at the Johannesburg Stadium with a total of 25 participants (10 male and 15 female), of which 18 were youth; and 7 elderly people. Three holiday programmes were implemented during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year in the Corridors bene ¿ tting a total of 50 012 participants (31 051 male and 18 961 female) which included 40 PWD. Of these 45 511 were youth; and 4 50 were elderly people. • The ¿ rst quarter bene ¿ tted a total of 40 092 participants (29 173 male and 10 919 female) which included 49 PWD. Of these 24 672 were youth people; and 4 501 were elderly. • The second quarter bene ¿ tted a total of 6 055 youth participants (3 427 male and 2 628 female). • The third quarter bene ¿ tted 14 784 youth participants (9 370 male and 5 414 female). Community games were implemented across all ¿ ve Corridors with a total of 67 230 people (58 502 male and 8 728 female). Additional community games which included gogos football and netball codes were hosted through the Invitational Champ of Champs held on 4 May 2019 at UJ Soweto Campus. A total of 329 people (220 male and 109 female) participated, which included: 268 youth; and 121 elderly who played football.



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