127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
57 female): West Rand Health District Managers) at the Gauteng Provincial Archives Centre in Kagiso. The purpose of the training was to promote proper record keeping practices. The department conducted two Oral History programmes to promote history, bene ¿ tting a total of 253 participants (124 male and 129 female). These included the Clan Names Oral History programme on 27 September 2019 at the Gauteng Provincial Archives in Kagiso; and an Oral History of the Benoni 100 Years Centenary Celebrations held on 25 October 2019 at Tsakane Community Hall, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Local Municipality. These programmes raised awareness among the community about the functions and services rendered in the Archives and encouraged learners to conduct research and know their history as well as regarding archives as knowledge sharing institution. By March 2020, a total of 2 974 archival records groups were accessioned. Accessions were made from the following institutions: GDE; Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (DCOGTA); and SACR but were not made available on the National Archives Website on NAAIRS. Additionally, A total of 26 579 records were received by the archives, however, could not be repatriated in terms of linear meters.
week hosted from 15-19 July 2019 at the Gauteng Provincial Archives in Kagiso with 473 participants (195 male and 278 female); and a Records Management Seminar on 18 October 2019 at the Birchwood Hotel and O.R Tambo Conference Centre in Boksburg with 315 participants (186 male and 129 female). In the ¿ nancial year, the department conducted six Records Management Training Sessions bene ¿ tting a total of 194 participants (55 male and 139 female). Training sessions included: a Records Management Schedule training session hosted from 14-15 August 2019 with a total of 3 participants (18 male and 35 female) at the Gauteng Archives Centre; a Records Digitisation Training session from 18-19 September 2019 at Gauteng Provincial Archives in Kagiso with a total of 55 participants (18 male and 37 female) consisting of records managers and registry clerks. The aim of the training was to ensure ef ¿ cient and proper records management regarding the disposal of records and guidelines on the digitisation of records. The department hosted a File Plan Implementation training session on proper record keeping practices on 7 November 2019 at the Gauteng Infrastructure Financing Agency (GIFA) in Sandton with a total of 19 participants (9 male and 10 female); and a Records Management Workshop from 7–8 November 2019 for 70 participants (13 male and
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