127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
4.3 Programme 3: Library
materials and subsequently agreed to only charge for labour which will allow the project to proceed. The department implemented 3 reading programmes (Spelling Bee/Word Ruf À e, Public Speaking/Debate and/or Recreational Reading programmes) to improve reading literacy and vocabulary and to provide the public with life skills such as reading, logical thinking and knowledge of research methods. The debate programmes increase learners’ con ¿ dence, poise and self- esteemand inculcate a reading culture among young people as well as making reading fun and enjoyable. The reading programmes teach learners to spell and to construct words. Public speaking/debate bene ¿ tted 583 participants (179 male and 404 female) and included a Provincial Public Speaking Programme held on 8 June 2019 at Museum Africa, Newtown, City of Johannesburg; and 2 O.R. Tambo debate programmes were held from 10-11 October 2019 at Boksburg, Civic Centre; and on 12 October 2019 at Edenvale. A total of 10 Spelling Bee and Word Ruf À e sessions were hosted with a total of 872 participants (529 male and 343 female) this year. These included the launch of the Book Club on 5 September 2019 at Reliable House Rehabilitation Centre, Hat ¿ eld, City of Tshwane and a Spelling Bee and Debate Competition held on 10 July 2019 at the Leeuwkop Correctional Centre with a total of 55 male participants. The department implemented 3 library holiday programmes in the 5 corridors from the ¿ rst to third quarters of the ¿ nancial year bene ¿ tting a total of 6 264 participants (3 564male and 2 700 female). The aim was to inculcate the culture of reading amongst learners; improve their education during school holidays; to make reading fun and recreational; and to develop literate young communities. During the year under review, the department implemented 10 Born to Read programmes with a total of 493 participants (163 male and 330 female). These included ECD introduction to Born to read programmes implemented in clinics for expectant mothers and mothers with small children in rural areas of Tshwane and West Rand. During the year under review, the department purchased 160 books for the departmental
Information and Archival Services
Library and Archival Services set 20 targets for 2019/20 and achieved 11 (55%) . The department transferred a total of R179 638 000 (Conditional Grant: R115 038 000 and Equitable share R64 600 000) during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year to 10 municipalities in Gauteng: 3 metropolitans, 6 local municipalities and 1 district municipality to improve delivery of community library services to the public. The department provided further ¿ nancial support for maintenance and/or upgrades to 5 municipality community libraries to a total value of R5 500 000. These included Springs library (Ekurhuleni municipality): maintenance of the library building; Emfuleni for security guards’ salaries; Lesedi municipality for maintenance of the library building and purchase of books; for Kwazenzele library, Midvaal municipality for upgrade of the old De Deur library; Mogale local municipality libraries (Hekpoort, Kagiso X12; Old Kagiso Library; Krugersdorp library; Desmond Tutu Library and the Kagiso and Smokedown modular libraries) for maintenance (repair of leaking roof, painting and carpets at Hekpoort library, Kagiso X12). A total of 74 monitoring visits were conducted during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year. These visits monitor the expenditure of community library service grants transferred to municipalities and library services delivery in the province’s community libraries. The department established 1 hospital library at Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital, Soweto in June 2019. The process of appointing an intern for the library to operate is currently in place and will be ¿ nalised after the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. The purpose of hospital libraries is to promote the culture of learning, use of information; and increase information literacy to support education, standard of living, healthy communities and ¿ nancial prosperity. The Rust Ter Vaal Library upgrade was 77% completed by the end of the ¿ nancial year . The local sub-contractors requested the responsibility to purchase materials and charge the main contractor for materials and labour. They however could not secure funding to purchase the
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