117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Priority 14: Reposition Principals and Educator Development and Support
Teacher Development The National priorities to be implemented in the 2019/20 financial year include the training and development of teachers in the following areas:
• Mathematics • Sciences • Technology • English First Additional Language • African Languages
• Reading (Primary School Reading Improvement Programme) • The utilization of ICTs to promote quality teaching and learning • Geography • Life Orientation
The provincial priorities would include training and development interventions that are aimed at supporting the TMR agenda, as well as addressing scarce and critical skills in all public schools.
The TMR interventions would include:
• The reskilling and upskilling of educators in the Schools of Specialisation (SoS) • Project Based Learning • The utilization of ICTs to promote quality teaching and learning
ICT Training and Support programmes will include the following approaches:
• Baseline Assessments that will identify the individual educators’ developmental needs regarding ICT utilisation which promotes quality teaching and learning • Onsite ICT Training and Support, which includes one on one training and support and group training • Self- paced Matthew Goniwe ICT Online Programmes • Capacity building of school and district ICT Committees (to promote the institutionalisation of the utilisation ICTs for teaching and learning in schools) The Department will further prioritise the preparation of women leaders for career progression, including training of female educators through a NQF Level 8 Leadership Programme for Women Leaders.
34 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20
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