117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Part D: Annexures
New MTSF aligned PPM Indicator title
PPM104: Percentage of schools visited at least twice a year by District officials for monitoring and support purposes Percentage of schools visited by district officials (including subject advisors) for monitoring, and professional support. This includes visits to public ordinary schools, special schools and excludes visits to independent schools. District officials include all officials from education district office and circuits visiting schools for monitoring and support purposes. Professional support in this instance refers to the principal, SMT and teachers in a school receiving support or capacitation in areas identified as part of their core duties, e.g. management and leadership, teacher development, and subject teaching. To measure support given to schools by the district officials in the financial year under review.
Short definition
Policy linked to
Source/collection of data
District officials signed schools schedule and school’s visitor records or schools visit form.
Means of verification Method of calculation
Reports on the number of schools visited by district officials. Numerator: total number of schools visited at least twice a year Denominator: total number of schools Multiply by 100
Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle
None Input
New indicator
Desired performance
All schools that need assistance to be visited at least twice a year by district officials (including subject advisors) for monitoring, professional support and liaison purposes. On or above target.
Indicator responsibility
Chief Directorate: School Management
Indicator title Short definition
PPM105: Learner absenteeism rate
Learner absenteeism is defined as a situation where a learner is not at school for an entire day. The aim is to measure the percentage of days lost within a quarter in the current financial/academic year due to learner absenteeism South African Schools Act (SASA), The responsibilities of the PED is clearly laid out in the National Learner Attendance Policy. These responsibilities do not include quality assuring every transaction at the school level (e.g. accuracy of entries captured by teachers on a daily basis). Consolidated information gathered from Provincial data source. Sample of 60 schools will be used Numerator: total number of school days absent by learners per quarter Denominator: total number of school days per quarter multiplied by total number of learners. (Sample of 60 schools will be used) Multiply by 100. Learner attendance registers (manual/electronic)
Policy linked to
Source/collection of data
Means of verification
Method of calculation
Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 121
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