117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle
Unstable connections
Non- cumulative (maximum output)
New indicator
Desired performance
All public schools to be contactable through emails or any other verifiable means. On or above target. Chief Directorate: Education Planning and Research (EMIS)/ IT Directorate PPM103: Percentage of education expenditure going towards non personnel items This indicator measures the total expenditure (budget) on non-personnel items expressed as a percentage of total expenditure in education. Education Expenditure: Refers to all government non-personnel education expenditure (inclusive of all sub-sectors of education including special schools, independent schools and conditional grants). This indicator looks at the total budget, inclusive of capital expenditure, transfers and subsidies. To measure education expenditure on non-personnel items in the financial year under review.
Indicator responsibility
Indicator title
Short definition
Policy linked to
Source/collection of data Means of verification Method of calculation
Basic Accounting System (BAS) system
Annual Financial Reports
Numerator: total education expenditure (budget) on non-personnel items Denominator: total expenditures at the end of the financial year in education Multiply by 100.
Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle
New indicator
Desired performance
To decrease personnel expenditure and ensure that more funds are made available for non-personnel items. On or below target i.e. more funds spent on non-personnel items than anticipated.
Indicator responsibility
CFO: Financial Management Services
120 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20
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