117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July

Priority 17: Resolve Education Disputes and implement Resolutions: Intervention Unit

Strategic Objective. 2.5.1 To provide financial and governance services that adhere to statutory requirements Objective Statement The Department plans to reprioritize its non-personnel non-CAPEX budget, to ensure that 80% of the allocated funds are spent to support schools. This will support procurement and timeous transfers to schools, to ensure prudent spending as the Department endeavours to pay all invoices in a specified period of time


No baseline

2019 Target

80% of funds will be allocated to support schools

Strategic Goal 5: To address the needs of Gauteng Youth through development programs and increasing youth Employability Priority 18: Develop a Master Skills Programme aligned to skills required by the Fourth Industrial Revolution Strategic Objective. 4.9.1 To provide support to improve transition of learners from school to further education or work place Objective Statement

The Gauteng City Region Academy, with the support of the Department of Education plans to train and develop the public sector, to deliver quality services in government departments. In focusing on the capacity of the state across GPG. GCRA will establish and launch Provincial Skills Development Forum, to deal with planning and delivery of skills programmes, to improve on the capacity of Department to improve on service delivery. The Public Servants Capacity-building programme will intensify compulsory induction and Project management training. To improve on governance, the province will host the Gauteng SMS conference, to allow officials and Executive Councils Members to interact with provincial policy, strategy and service delivery.


2 000

2019 Target

Number of GPG employees trained: 3 000

Strategic Objective. 4.9.1 To provide support to improve transition of learners from school to further education or work place Objective Statement

The Department endeavours building partnerships with the private sector to offer learnerships and internships to learners completing a post school qualification. The Department will work closely with the Department of Economic Development to identify the skills needed in the economy and develop mechanisms to create training opportunities, workplace skills programmes and learnerships to assist in closing the provincial skills gap. The Department will undertake a review of the Gauteng Masters Skills Plan, with a view to update the skills demand and supply model.


1 500

2019 Target

Number of learnership / internships 1 500

Strategic Objective. 4.9.1 To provide support to improve transition of learners from school to further education or work place Objective Statement The Department will intensify its support to high school learners to ensure improved transition from school to higher education institution and then to the workplace. The Department, through GCRA, will deliver career education and guidance across priority schools.


15 000

2019 Target

Number of learners to be trained: 15 000

114 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20

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