Umalusi Newslette
“Whoever masters the curriculum, masters themselves. One of the core derivatives of the curriculum is to give agency back to the self.” (Julius Nyerere, 1961, 1988)
By Shilela Nkadimeng
ECD: towards local curricula and research-informed assessment practices
Global research has provided evidence that enabling children to develop to their full potential, especially in the first three years of life, has high return rates across the lifespan (Jolly, 2007; National Development Plan [NDP] 2030, 2012; Lancet, 2016; South African Early Childhood Development [ECD] Review, 2019). Creating sufficient opportunities for learning, as well as providing appropriate care and affection, remain among the core elements
that contribute to children developing to their full potential. The impact could be visible in a reduction in social inequality and an increase in economic participation, as more people have the requisite development to apply themselves within and beyond their communities (South African ECD Review, 2019; Jolly, 2007).
The South African government recognises that quality ECD is a fundamental pillar to building
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