VOL 22: ISS 1
Let’s Celebrate! The contents of this HBK Chat issue matter to me and I hope they matter to you too. I view this publication as yet another place for all SANSA Space Operations team members to “gather” and get to know each other and the nitty-gritties of our business. It is a window to what makes us pace through HBK corridors, pump extra hours; and ultimately what makes us proud of our SANSA-wide value-add. Needless to say, it is also an opportunity for us to celebrate together, personal and professional milestones. As we close out 2022/23 and turn a page to the new financial year, we have a lot to celebrate and a lot to look forward to. The first thing we can celebrate is that the government has lifted the national
state of disaster. Though this is great news, we must not forget that it does not mean we are out
changes including new leadership, new business model and new structure. It is understandable to find yourself still struggling to come to terms with some of the changes. The article on pg-15 aims to offer a helping hand regarding the changes undertaken. On pg- 6, we paint a picture of some key global space activities that may affect us in the long run while pgs-9 and 10 put in the spotlight two of our colleagues, Yunus Bhayat and Mpumi Malinga. The cover story highlights our planned participation in the 17th International Conference on Space Operations which is taking place in Dubai next year 6-10 March 2023. Enjoy the read! Raoul Hodges Space Operations MD
of the COVID woods yet. It is still crucial to be cautious, follow protocols and take precautionary measures such as vaccinating. At SANSA, we marked two years of pandemic life with several
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