SACAA Annual Report 2022_23

PART B I Performance Information

One of the strategic targets by the Regulator is to reduce aircraft accidents and fatal accidents by 50% by 2025 in the General Aviation sector. At the time of writing this report, the number of accidents in the 2022/23 financial year had decreased by 15%, the fatal accidents decreased by 25%, and the number of fatalities decreased by 29,4% compared to the 2021/22 financial year. The organisation is recording good progress in implementing the Minister’s governance targets. For example, no fruitless and wasteful expenditures was reported from the beginning of the current strategy cycle until the end of the 2022/23 financial year. There is one irregular expenditure recorded by the organisation, which has been declared in the financial report. The investigation of the irregular expenditure has been concluded. However, by the end of the financial year 2022/23, the report was yet to be submitted to management by the internal audit division. The organisation continues to pay suppliers within 30 days. The organisation achieved an unqualified audit outcome with no material findings raised by the Auditor-General’s office. The organisation developed and achieved both the Ethics and the Fraud and Corruption annual plans in line with the strategic outcome of good corporate governance and organisational effectiveness. From the human capital perspective, the organisation developed a five-year human capital strategy aligned to the organisation’s strategy and the implementation of this strategy yielded several positive results for the organisation, including the roll-out of a skills project, entrenching a culture in line with the six pillars adopted by the organisation that is aligned to the values of the organisation. The biggest achievement in this strategy cycle is the innovation and technology outcome. The organisation continuously transforms how the Regulator operates and provides services to its clients. The projects that were rolled out include the launch of the client contact centre and the eServices portal, which allows SACAA clients to

renew their certificates and make payments online. The digitisation work the Regulator commenced in the previous strategy cycle is starting to manifest in reducing paper-based transactions and face-to face service provision. The biggest beneficiaries of the organisation’s digitisation project are SACAA clients. From a stakeholder perspective, the organisation has been intentional and deliberate with the interventions introduced through the Stakeholder Management Strategy. The Regulator established stakeholder forums to engage and consult the stakeholders on the organisations programmes directed at the industry. The organisation’s transformation agenda incorporates women empowerment through projects such as the Women’s Mentorship Programme and youth empowerment through the bursary, internship and learnership programmes. The organisation also invested in developing SMMEs by paying a selected group of companies within 15 days of presenting valid invoices and supporting these companies with training opportunities, amongst other things.

48 I Annual Report 2022/23 I Performance Information

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