SACAA Annual Report 2022_23
STRATEGIC OVERVIEW AND PERFORMANCE It is noteworthy to report that the entity achieved a 96% achievement against the set objectives in the Annual Performance Plan, which is a deliverable in the Performance Agreement between the Board, the Director of Civil Aviation, and the Executive Authority. Although there was a minor drop in performance during the year, the entity did exceed some set targets over this period, and this is commendable. As the Board, we are confident that the necessary measures are in place for SACAA to retain its track record of 100% performance. Furthermore, one of the strategic outcomes in the five-year cycle of the Strategic Plan is that of a s trengthened safety and security oversight system. In this regard, the Regulator met its target of implementing the industry cyber security strategy and inspections of operators in terms of the amended regulations that have commenced during the reporting period. Another progressive step by the Regulator is the implementation of the risk based oversight methodology. This methodology complements the new oversight approach from ICAO and the traditional compliance-based oversight approach, which the organisation is currently implementing. This will no doubt strengthen our oversight capabilities and enhance the service offering of the Regulator. The Minister of Transport instructed the Regulator and the industry to reduce the number of accidents in the general aviation sector by 50% by the end of the current strategic cycle. This target supports the Regulator’s target of reducing the fatal accidents by 50% in the same period. The Regulator is reporting positive results on both fronts as the number of accidents decreased by 15% and the fatal
accidents decreased by 25% during the reporting period. Furthermore, the recent preliminary results from the USOAP CMA safety audit conducted by ICAO revealed that South Africa has increased its Effective Implementation (EI) level to around 92%, thereby exceeding the five-year target set by the SACAA of improving the State’s EI to 90% by 2025. These results are very encouraging and motivate us to continue in our mission of improving oversight, in fulfillment of the SACAA mandate, as enunciated under the Civil Aviation Act. GOVERNANCE In terms of the Minister’s governance targets, the development and implementation of the Ethics, as well as the Fraud and Corruption annual plans that are in line with the strategic outcome of good corporate governance and organisational effectiveness, evinces that the SACAA continues to have a solid foundation of irreproachable integrity. The ethical tone has been engrained by the Board and Management of the SACAA over the years and has strengthened the entity’s ethical maturity. FINANCIAL PRUDENCE This solid foundation is underlined by the financial prudence exercised by the entity, exemplified by the unqualified audit outcome from the Auditor-General’s office. The organisation continues to exercise restraint by practising cost-cutting measures and is still receiving support from the Shareholder as it journeys towards financial recovery, following the aftermath of the global pandemic. CHANGES TO THE BOARD AFTER YEAR-END Even though the Board continues to be effective at a strategic level, there were three vacancies during the year which limited the membership on committees. I am pleased to report that the Minister of Transport appointed two new members to the
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