SACAA Annual Report 2022_23






FOREWORD by the Minister

of Transport Ms Sindisiwe Lydia Chikunga

INTRODUCTION The 2022/23 reporting period is presented within the context of an aviation industry increasingly recovering from the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic. With the support of the Department of Transport, the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) has also grown from strength to strength in the last financial year. However, we cannot claim that the global air transport sector is completely out of the woods yet, as it battles with issues such as increased fuel costs, skills shortage as a result of the global pandemic, climate change and the risk of cyber-attacks. In South Africa, the passenger numbers continue to grow steadily, and there are signs of improved tourism and air travel, boding well for the socio-economic well-being of the country in terms of the catalytic effect of the aviation industry.

RENEWED HOPE AS ENTITY APPROACHES 25 YEARS OF EXISTENCE The government of South Africa established the South African Civil Aviation Authority 25 years ago on 1 October 1998. A quarter of a century later, this is an opportunity for the state to evaluate whether this public entity is living up to the primary intent of the government to regulate the civil aviation industry in an efficient and sustainable manner. Therefore, this year’s annual review makes for interesting reflection in terms of the latest initiatives and responses by the Regulator to the needs of the industry.

General Information I Annual Report 2022/23 I 13

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