SACAA Annual Report 2022_23

PART C I Governance

21. SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT As a good corporate citizen, the SACAA has adopted two legacy projects that benefit community members who have been previously marginalised and those whose circumstances have rendered them unable to participate in the economy of the country. The aim of the two projects is to improve the future outlook of the beneficiaries and live them in a condition that is better than what the SACAA found then in. a. Child/Youth Headed Household Project

b. Maths and Science iFlySTEM Project The purpose of this project is to ensure that Maths and Science learners who are struggling with these subjects receive support that will ensure a firm foundation as they work towards their matric year. This project is aimed at supporting students who may wish to study any aviation related qualification that requires a strong understanding of Maths and Science such as engineering, aircraft mechanics and piloting. This project was implemented for the first time during the 2022/23 financial year. A school in Qwaqwa in the Free State province was identified for Maths and Science tutor services. The tutorials were conducted over the weekend to a group of identified learners. The impact of this project could not be realised immediately, as a strong foundation needed to be built to ensure that the learners ultimately realise an improvement in their marks. c. Nelson Mandela Day Initiative The organisation identified an NGO, Tshepang Care Centre, in Tembisa in Gauteng that provides early childhood learning and meals to children in that community that come from poverty-stricken households. The SACAA provides monthly groceries to ensure the sustainability of the project.

With this project, the SACAA identified nine families that are led by children or youth in all nine provinces of the country. The SACAA provides groceries on a monthly basis to these families with the aim of ensuring that the leaders and beneficiaries remain in school until they reach a stage where they are economically active. The SACAA also provides for the immediate needs of these families, such as ensuring that the living conditions are at an acceptable level and therefore the SACAA has replaced leaking roofs, broken doors, provided painting, etc. The SACAA is also looking after the safety of children and, where necessary, some of the learners have been registered into a boarding school. Since inception, at least two families are now in a better economic state, as the eldest siblings are now economically active and are no more in need of the support from the SACAA.

136 I Annual Report 2022/23 I Governance

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