SACAA Annual Report 2022_23
3. THE BOARD CHARTER The Board, in keeping with sound governance, adopted a formal Charter that is informed by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, the Civil Aviation Act, the PFMA and the King IV Report™, among others. In this manner, the Board can ensure that corporate governance and best practice are integral to the fulfilment of its responsibilities. The Charter defines the respective roles, responsibilities, and authority of the Board, both individually and collectively, and reflects the value system in terms of which the Board operates and 4. BOARD COMPOSITION At the beginning of the reporting period, the Board comprised seven (7) members, six (6) of whom were appointed by the Executive Authority with effect from 1 December 2018. On 31 May 2022 the Minister retired Professor NV Dyani-Mhango and Mr M India and the remaining members of the Board were reappointed for a second term in accordance with the Civil Aviation Act. As at 1 June 2023, there were 3 vacancies on the Board. On 23 June 2023, the Minister filled two of these vacancies on
holds members accountable. The Board Charter is reviewed and approved annually to ensure relevance and alignment with the governance landscape. It also lays the foundation for a shared understanding of the Board’s role throughout the organisation. The Board confirms that, in the period under review, it has satisfactorily discharged all its duties and obligations as contained in the Board Charter, thereby ensuring value creation in terms of ethics, performance, financial sustainability and human capital. the Board and appointed two independent non executive directors. Members of the Board as at 31 March 2023: • Mr E Khosa (Non-executive) – Chairperson • Mr S Sooklal (Non-executive) • Ms B Koyana (Non-executive) • Ms T Phewa (Non-executive) • Ms P Khoza – Director of Civil Aviation (Executive)
Board Composition as at 31 March 2023
Black Males Black Females Graph 17: Board Composition
Governance I Annual Report 2022/23 I 107
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