SACAA Annual Report 2022_23
ensured that the reputation of the SACAA remains intact. A Board needs to appreciate its own strengths and weaknesses if it must govern responsibly and effectively. To this end, the last Board evaluation was conducted in 2020 as required in terms of the Board Charter and as enunciated under the King IV Report on Corporate Governance™. The evaluation was conducted independently and focussed on the board processes, director skills, competencies, and board dynamics. The Board evaluation process and report yielded positive results and provided sound feedback to members on their roles and responsibilities. It afforded the Board an opportunity to reflect on its commitments to the Shareholder, the entity, and the best practices in terms of good governance. As previously reported, the Board continues to be effective at a functional, administrative, and strategic level. In terms of King IV TM and the Board Charter, the Board must be evaluated every two years and was meant to have been evaluated in 2022. This was deterred by the fact that the Board was outgoing and there were three vacancies at the time. The Board has commenced with the next high-level Board Evaluation in April 2023. 1.1 Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Transport The National Assembly appoints members to the Portfolio Committee on Transport. The role of Portfolio Committee on Transport is to: • Consider Bills, • Deal with departmental budget votes, • Oversee the work of the Department they are responsible for and enquire and make recommendations about any aspect of the Department, including its structure, functioning and policy and the entities reporting to the Department.
The work of Committees is not restricted to the government. They may investigate any matter of public interest that falls within their area of responsibility. The Accounting Authority confirms that it received ongoing support, leadership, and guidance from the Portfolio Committee on Transport, based on its oversight mandate. The following engagements were held with the Committee in the period under review: • 12 October 2022 – Presentation of the SACAA Annual Report 2021/22. The above report was well received, and constructive feedback was provided by the Committee. 1.2 Executive Authority As prescribed in the Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No.13 of 2009) and the PFMA, the Minister of Transport is the Executive Authority. In terms of the above legislation as well as the Board Performance Agreement, the Accounting Authority is required to provide quarterly reports on the overall performance of the SACAA to the Executive Authority. The Accounting Authority confirms that in compliance with the aforementioned legislative prescripts, it has consistently reported to the Executive Authority on a quarterly basis. All four (4) quarterly reports were submitted to the Executive Authority timeously. At the end of the reporting period, the Board affirms that the entity has met 96% of its annual targets, which evidences an unwavering commitment in terms of King IV™ to realise good, stable performance, despite the turbulent economic climate. The Accounting Authority apprehends that SACAA’s core mandate, its strategy, performance, risks, and opportunities are inextricably linked and crucial to providing stakeholder value. The Accounting Authority maintains an open and transparent engagement with the Executive
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