10.4 Individual transfers in Obtain the list of individual transfers in throughout the 2023 year ended 30 June 2023 from the Fund administrator, ‘Rand Water Provident Fund’, represented by Mr. Amos Mojapelo (Senior Accountant) select a sample of the lesser of 25 or 10% of the number of individual transfers (selected based on the selection criteria provided above), and perform the following procedures: 10.4.1 Obtain the recognition of transfer documentation submitted by the transferor fund to the Fund administrator, ‘Rand Water Provident Fund’, represented by Mr. Amos Mojapelo (Senior Accountant). 10.4.2 In respect of unitised funds Recalculate the purchase of units for the amount received by dividing the amount transferred per the listing by using the unit price per the administration system on the date of receipt. Agree the recalculated units to the number of units allocated to the member’s individual account on the administration system. Note any differences. In respect of non-unitised funds Agree the transfer amount received per the listing to the amount allocated to the member’s individual account on the administration system. Note any differences. Unclaimed benefit payments Obtain a list of unclaimed benefits paid during the 2023 financial year from the Fund administrator, ‘Rand Water Provident Fund’, represented by Mr. Amos Mojapelo (Senior Accountant) and perform the following procedures: 10.5 Agree the effective date and amount transferred to the recognition of transfer documentation. Note any exceptions.

Individual transfers in Not Applicable (Only Section 14 transfers to other funds are applicable)

Not Applicable (Only Section 14 transfers to other funds are applicable)

In respect of unitised funds Not Applicable (Only Section 14 transfers to other funds are applicable) In respect of non-unitised funds Not Applicable.

Unclaimed benefit payments Not Applicable (Only Section 14 transfers to other funds are applicable - No Unclaimed benefit payments in current year)

86 Rand Water Provident Fund Annual Report | 2022-2023

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