Active members Select a sample of the lesser of 25 or 10% of the number of active members to whom surplus has been allocated in the current year 30 June 2023 per the approved surplus apportionment listing obtained in procedure 4.2 (selected based on the selection criteria provided above), and perform the following procedures: Inspect the listing for the date of allocations to active members in the current year and note whether any investment return was allocated from the surplus apportionment approval date to the date of allocation. Agree the surplus amount allocated as per the listing (including investment return) in the current year per member to the allocation on the member records per the administration system, and note any differences. Select a sample of the lesser of 25 or 10% of the number of former members and/or pensioners to whom surplus has been allocated in the current year per the approved surplus apportionment listing obtained in procedure 4.2 (selected based on the selection criteria provided above), and perform the following procedures: Former members and pensioners’ allocations


Not applicable.

4.2.1. 1

Not applicable.

4.2.1. 2

Not applicable.


Not applicable. Inspect the listing for the date of allocations to former members and pensioners in the current year and note whether any investment return was allocated from the surplus apportionment approval date to the date of allocation. Agree the surplus amount allocated

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

(including investment return) in the current year per former member and/or pensioner to the allocation on the member records per the administration system, and note any differences.

Rand Water Provident Fund Annual Report | 2022-2023 73

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