1.1.1 a) Obtain external confirmations of all investment balances per the list of investments obtained in procedure 1.1, from the investment managers as at 30 June 2023. Where the auditor is unable to obtain these external confirmations, note this fact. b) For external confirmations that are in a foreign currency, obtain the exchange rate(s) applied by the Rand Water Provident Fund to translate the investment value to South African Rand (ZAR) from Fund administrator, ‘Rand Water Provident Fund’, represented by Mr. Amos Mojapelo (Senior Accountant) and recalculate the ZAR value using the exchange rate. Agree the recalculated values to the investment balances as per the list of investments obtained in procedure 1.1 and note any differences. c) For external confirmations, that

a) We obtained external confirmations of all investment balances per the list of investments obtained in procedure 1.1, from the investment managers.

b) Not applicable, the fund does not have external confirmations that are in foreign currency. c) Agreed the values of the investments, per the external confirmations obtained, to the investment balances as per the list of investments obtained in procedure 1.1 and no differences were noted. R Total as per the list of investment balances 4 246 153 165

Unsettled trades Accrued income and expenses Subtotal Total as per the external confirmations obtained from the investment

are in ZAR, agree the values of the investments per the external confirmations obtained to the investment balances as per the list of investments obtained in procedure 1.1 and note any differences.

4 246 153 165 4 246 153 165

managers / insurers / collective investment

58 Rand Water Provident Fund Annual Report | 2022-2023

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