NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – CONTINUED For the period ended 30 June 2023 3. Investments 3.1 Investment summary
Current period R
Previous period R
Fair value Current period R
Categorised per Regulatory Framework
Local R
Foreign R
3 268 893 581 977 259 584 4 246 153 165 3 660 578 768 4 246 153 165 4 246 153 165 3 268 893 581 977 259 584 4 246 153 165 3 660 578 768 4 246 153 165 4 246 153 165
Insurance policies*
* All investments are classified as investments at fair value through the statement of changes in net assets and funds and are valued at fair value. 4. Housing loan guarantees • The Fund has granted guarantees to First National Bank for loans granted to 261 members of the fund. Guarantees amounting to R41 616 144 (2022: R 40 514 701) were outstanding as at 30 June 2023. The Fund has granted no guarantees to Standard Bank for loans. The amount of the guarantee may not exceed 70% of the benefit that a member would receive in terms of the rules of the fund and Section 19(5) of the Pension Funds Act if he or she had to terminate membership to the fund voluntarily. • The housing loan guarantee facility available to the fund is R50 000 000. First National Bank guarantee facility amounts to R50 000 000 with the review date of 31 December 2024.
5. Accounts receivable
2023 R
2022 R
Re-insurance Proceeds
154 362 43 000 197 362
Funeral Grants
90 000 90 000
Rand Water Provident Fund Annual Report | 2022-2023 47
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