2.1.9 Private Equity Funds: The Board of Fund does not utilise private equity funds as part of their investment strategy. 2.1.10 Securities Lending Transactions: The Board of Fund does not utilise securities lending transactions as part of their investment strategy. 2.2 Management of investments The fund’s investments consist of managed portfolios with Old Mutual Strategic Investment Service. The investment administrators have complete discretion as to the composition of their share of the portfolio within the boundaries allowed by the Pension Funds Act in South Africa. The Board of Fund meet at regular intervals to discuss the investment policy and to monitor the asset allocation and performance of the investment administrator against the investment strategy of the fund. The investment fees which are charged directly against the investment portfolio values and recovered monthly amounted to R1 783 761 (2022: R 1 689 232) for the year under review. The fair value of the fund’s investments administered by the investment administrator at the end of the period was: 2023 R 2022 R RW Money Market Fund 39 948 800 77 601 793 RW Inflation 3 - 5 3 080 424 655 2 666 214 777 RW Inflation 5 - 7 1 095 775 763 896 478 162 RW Inflation 1-3 30 003 947 20 284 036 Total value of investments managed 4 246 153 165 3 660 578 768 3. MEMBERSHIP 2023 2022 Active members Unclaimed benefits Active members Unclaimed benefits Numbers at beginning of period 3399 6 3477 6 Additions 178 136 Withdrawals (60) (32) Retirements (29) (150) Disability (5) (3) Deaths (16) (29) Numbers at end of period 3467 6 3399 6 Number at end of period non- South African citizens 3 6 The members shown as additions relate to new employees of the participating employer entering the fund.

Rand Water Provident Fund Annual Report | 2022-2023 39

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