TRANSFORMATION • Overcoming economic disparities and inequalities in our society has become a major focal point within the Financial Services Sector. Rand Water Provident Fund has made significant strides in this regard. • Rand Water Provident Fund is committed to both the principle and the practical implementation of B-BBEE Policy. The Fund has adopted and implemented B-BBEE policy on investments. • Our investment managers have continued to make strides in not only transforming their businesses, but also investing in initiatives aimed at bridging our South African Gini coefficient. • Rand Water Provident Fund pursues a broad-based empowerment drive that will fast-track the inclusion of marginalized people in the mainstream economy. The Fund has appointed two black Asset Multi-Managers All forward-looking statements, by definition, involve inherent risk and uncertainty because they are based on assumptions related to future events and circumstances beyond our control. Examples include economic and business conditions, as well as market-related risks such as equity fluctuations, interest rates, inflation, and deflation. These circumstances could arise from the impact of competition, legislation, and the policies and actions of regulatory authorities, as well as the timing and impact of any uncertain industry changes. In the year ahead, the Board will continue to strengthen governance across the Fund and ensure that members are serviced to the best of the Fund’s ability. Government’s proposed two-pot pension system is stirring interest among our stakeholders. Scheduled to come into effect on 1 September 2024, the system will allow pension fund members to access one-third of their future retirement savings during their working life, subject to annual limits, while the remaining two-thirds will be preserved until retirement. The Fund has made significant strides to ensure our readiness. All efforts and changes implemented within the Fund are tactically aligned to our key objective of delivering a member-centric service to our members. This will remain one of our focus areas for the year ahead. We will continue to strive to be the Fund of choice and to positively impact the lives of our members.

Rand Water Provident Fund Annual Report | 2022-2023 11

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