Prevention of flammable gas and coal dust explosions in collieries
Prevention of flammable gas and coal dust explosions in collieries
ANNEXURE 6: Relevant SIMRAC reports (For information purposes)
1. COL010
Assessment of explosion barriers.
2. COL027
HB handbook to reduce the exposure of workers to dust.
3. COL027ES Reduction of worker exposure to dust in collieries.
4. COL029a
Improving underground ventilation conditions in coal mines.
5. COL031
Prevention, detection and control of underground fires in coal mines.
6. COL104
Simulation of coal dust explosions.
7. COL115
Assessment of the design of refuge bays in coal mines.
8. COL116
The suitability of using jet fans to ventilate CM miner headings in collieries.
9. COL226
Identify methods to reduce the risks of frictional ignition hazards.
10. COL236
Assessment of dispersed barrier systems.
11. COL310
Design scrubber systems to enhance dust capture efficiency.
12. COL322
Systems to limit coal dust and methane explosions in collieries.
13. COL431
Training aids to assist employees to recognise frictional ignition hazards.
14. COL443
Alternative inerting materials for coal mine explosions.
15. COL446
Expand and enhance the use of stone dust barriers for different conditions.
16. COL465
Determination frictional resistance factors for bord and pillar coal mines.
17. COL467
Reduction of risks due to dust generation on strip mine haul roads.
18. COL501
To test dispersed stonedust barriers for effectiveness in bord and pillar.
19. COL502
The design, construction and testing of underground seals.
20. COL518
Mechanical miner environmental control.
21. COL 601
Remote flammable gas detection/measuring device.
22. SIM 04 04 03 Role of static electricity in the ignition of flammable gas and mine fires.
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