Module 3-Transitioning to the Digital World Final LK
My digital journey
Define offering
Convert traffice to sales
The birth of the initiative
Dirve traffic to my website including social media
Set up your core offer
Content marketing
3.1 Define the Offering
The digital journey is not a journey of technology and software only but the ability to sell goods or services at a profit to your business. It is therefore important that you come up with an offering that is important to you that you value highly because then you will pursue it with passion:
3.1.1 Niche Selection
Choose an idea or product that is niche. A niche product will sell because there is a demand for it. But how do we know what is in demand?
A specialised but profitable segment of the market e.g., a niche market for solar lights
3.1.2 Google Trends
To find out what is demand we turn to Google Trends which gives us an idea what the most popular search topics are.
Therefore to do a search for solar lights, scan the QR code below and you will be able to see how popular searches for “solar lights” were over a 12 month period. If you cannot scan the QR code then click on this link:
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