Module 2-The Online Ecosystem Final LK

 Decide if your main goal is a large goal or a small one  The bigger your main goal the more resources you need to help you achieve it  Allocate people to certain tasks if you need to  Make sure you have enough resources to set up your website, e.g., money, data connections, etc.

Allocate resources

6.2Monitor the progress

 How will you know each task has been completed on time?  Hold regular meetings if you are working with other people or track your own progress if you are working on your own  You can measure how many tasks have been completed  How many customers have visited your website, etc.

6.3Action plan template

Templates will help you to create an action plan. You can use one like this one.

Problem: Goal: Action plans:

 Actions (steps you plan to take to achieve your goals)  Persons in charge or person responsible for handling each step  Timeline (deadline for each step)  Resources (assets needed for each step)  Potential barriers (factors that may prevent you from achieving each step)  Outcomes (desired results for each step)

Evidence of success: Tracking and evaluation process:

e.g. increase in traffic to your website by x%

e.g. assessing sales made, profit, number of customer complaints, etc.


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