Limpopo Gambling Board Final
• At senior and top management level, the positions of the Senior Manager Corporate Services and the Chief Financial Officer were filled. • At middle management, the position of the Manager Information Technology and the Manager: Law Enforcement were also filled. • The other middle management level position of the Supply Chain Manager was filled in April 2022, but the recruitment process started in the fourth quarter of the 2021/2022 Financial Year • Twelve internal bursaries were allocated to the employees. • The Entity partnered with CATHSSETA, and two bursaries were allocated to the employees. • One wellness day was conducted for all employees. • Youth empowerment – The Entity had nine employees falling with the category of youth which constituted 15% of the workforce. Significant Developments that may have impacted delivery on the Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan
• The Entity achieved 100% of the targets set.
Measures taken to mitigate the impact on events impacting service delivery
• There were no events which had an impact on service delivery of the Entity.
2.3. Key Policy Developments and Le gislative Changes
There were no legislative or policy changes for the period under review.
2.4. Progress towards achievement of institutional Impacts and Outcomes
2.4.1.Impacts and Outcomes as per the Strategic Plan and the progress made towards the achievement of the five-year targets in relation to the outcome indicators is outlined below:
Programme 1: Governance
Outcome 1: A sustainable, efficient and effective organisation
The Entity achieved 100% in relation to both outcome indicators of the declaration of the financial interests by the Board Members and the financial disclosures by the members of Senior Management. The Governance unit dealt with matters of Risk Management and thus far the Entity was able to mitigate some of the probable risks. Incident management was in place and the reported incidents were attended to. The Entity managed to promote good governance and had sustained an unqualified audit opinion for three years in succession (2019/20; 2020/21 and 2021/22).
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