Limpopo Gambling Board Final

The Auditor General South Africa assessed procurement processes, contract management and any related controls within the SCM.

All invoices of the service providers were paid within the prescribed period of thirty (30) days.

All Concluded Unsolicited Bid Proposals for the Year Under Review The Entity did not conclude any unsolicited proposals/bids.

SCM Processes and Systems The Entity had an approved Procedure Manual, as well as an SCM and Preferential Procurement Policy in place which assisted in enhancing the Supply Chain Management processes with the procurement of goods and services. The Entity had in place the relevant standing Bid Committees as required by National Treasury in terms of Treasury Regulations and all members of the committees were officially appointed by the accounting authority. Challenges Experienced and How they are Resolved The Entity was not able to complete the B-BBEE verification by the end of the financial year, but it is currently in the process to conclude the verification during 2023/24 when the BBBEE status should be reviewed. The Limpopo Provincial Treasury issued an instruction note No. 02 of 2022/2023 repealing the Limpopo Transversal Supply Chain Management Policy which the Entity had adopted in terms of Treasury Instruction No. 06 of 2022. The Entity further developed and approved its own Preferential Procurement Policy. Audit Report Matters in the Previous Year and How They Would Be Addressed The Auditor General South Africa (AGSA) has performed the necessary audit procedures on the financial and performance information to provide an audit opinion for the financial year.

The Entity obtained an unqualified audit outcome without any material findings (clean audit opinion), which is included in the Auditor’s Report on pages 118 to 122 of the Report.

Outlook/Plans for the Future to Address Financial Challenges The Entity will be applying for revenue retention with the Provincial Treasury to be able to supplement the current year budget. The allocation that was granted to the Entity will not be sufficient to cater for all the costs that are anticipated to be incurred for the 2023/24 Financial Year. To date, the Entity had an expected surplus of R 20 million that will be surrendered to the Provincial Treasury and the Provincial Revenue Fund. A portion of the R 20 million will be requested to be retained to be used for the service delivery aspect side of things within the Entity.

Events after the Reporting Date None.



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