Limpopo Gambling Board Final

LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023



22. Cash (used in) generated from operations Surplus

214 251 321

151 063 453

Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortisation

1 175 865

1 360 143

Sale of assets

7 909


Movements in operating lease assets and accruals

(5 014 421)

(4 057 649)

Movements in long service awards

30 736

23 464

Movements in staff accruals

(703 203)

2 326 708

Funds surrendered

(215 035 959)

(143 743 298)

Changes in working capital: Receivables from exchange transactions

(421 253) (152 328) (170 376)

54 826 155 980 346 803

Other receivables from non-exchange transactions

Trade and other payables

Payables from non exchange transactions

(1 481 944)

1 498 800

Fines and penalties Deferred income

(54 000)

75 000

1 161 101 (6 406 552)

(2 912 310)

6 191 920

23. Service in-kind The nature and type of major classes of services in-kind received, are as follows Services in-kind that are significant to the entities operations and/or service delivery objectives Service in kind rental revenue and expense The entity receives service in kind from Deprtment of Public Works in the form of a free rental office accomodation. This was a result of the acqusition of the same building by Department of Public Works following the expiry of the lease agreement.The service in kind is considered as significant to the operations of the entity and service delivery objectives. The entity based the service in kind amount on a valuation report that was performed by Public Works prior to purchasing the building.

1 278 282


1 278 282



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