Limpopo Gambling Board Final

LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023

Actual amounts on comparable basis

Difference between final budget and actual Reference

Approved budget

Final Budget


Operating surplus 135 781 641 41 200 098 176 981 739 214 259 230 37 277 491 Loss on disposal of assets and - liabilities - - (7 909) (7 909) Surplus before taxation 135 781 641 41 200 098 176 981 739 214 251 321 37 269 582 Actual Amount on Comparable Basis as Presented in the Budget and Actual Comparative Statement 135 781 641 41 200 098 176 981 739 214 251 321 37 269 582 Reconciliation Statement of Financial Position Assets Non-Current Assets Property, plant and equipment 500 000 1 009 098 1 509 098 1 615 584 106 486



111 994

Intangible assets



111 994


500 000 1 009 098 1 509 098 1 727 578 218 480 500 000 1 009 098 1 509 098 1 727 578 218 480 500 000 1 009 098 1 509 098 1 727 578 218 480

Total Assets Net Assets



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