Limpopo Gambling Board Final

LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 6. Payables from exchange transactions



Trade payables Sundry Creditors Other payables

928 243

915 223

6 302

1 371

356 450 1 290 995

544 777 1 461 371

7. Payables from non-exchange



UIF, SDL and other employee related payables

8 808

70 133


12 899 10 412 32 119

1 432 611

Levies to be paid to Ledet


1 502 744

The amount for PAYE in the previous financial year was settled after the 31st of March 2022.

8. Employee benefit Obligation The amounts recognised in the statement of financial position for long service awards are as follows: Carrying value 2023 2022 Present value of the defined benefit obligation-wholly unfunded 270 396 301 132 Non-current liabilities (207 784) (269 288) Current liabilities (62 612) (31 844) (270 396) (301 132) Movement in the employee long term service award liability Opening balance 301 132 277 668 Change in estimate (46 874) - Benefits paid (25 000) (32 500) Net expense recognised in the statement of financial performance 41 138 55 964 270 396 301 132 Current service cost 25 199 31 280 Interest cost 23 439 24 028 Actuarial (gains) losses (7 500) 656 41 138 55 964 Actuarial gains/ losses Actuarial (gains) losses – Obligation (7 500) 656



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