Limpopo Gambling Board Annual Report 2022
Programme 3: Compliance Outcomes 2: Transformed gambling industry that creates sustainable jobs in Limpopo Outcome 3: Responsible gambling and compliance with legislations improved in Limpopo Outcome 4: Improved local and international relations with other gambling regulators and related institutions The Entity has achieved all the set targets for the six key output indicators for programme 3 for 2020122. In this regard, the Entity was able to substantially achieve the outcome of a regulated, sustainable, and socially responsible gambling environment which is fully compliant with relevant legislations. This was achieved despite Planet Bingo (Pty) Ltd (a Bingo operator) and Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Limited (a Totalizator) being penalised R 75 000 and R 80 000 respectively for significant non-compliances. The substantial achievement of the outcomes of Programme 3 had an impact in the communities around the Province through the creation of jobs when 14 LPM sites were licensed, and one bookmaker site became operational during the financial year. The impact of the key performance indicators of Programme 3 was desolated by COVID-19, resulting in a mild increase of 40% in gambling levy revenue being generated by Licensees and a 2.93% increase in employment to 3858 compared to a 12% decline from 4258 to 3745 in 2020/21. Despite the challenges resulting from COVID-19, the Licensees spent R4 338 768.66 on Corporate Social Responsibility projects to rid the local communities of social ills and challenges. During the 2021/22 financial year, a total of 25 illegal gambling operators were arrested during investigations and R29 500.00 in admission of guilt fines were paid. A total number of 59 cases were investigated during the financial year. The investigations also resulted in the confiscation of 116 illegal gambling machines. During the financial year, the Entity destroyed a total of 57 illegal gambling machines in the form of Chinese Roulette. The machines were confiscated from various spaza shops and taverns throughout the Province. The remaining 59 illegal gambling machines will be destroyed during the 2022/23 financial year. The limited powers granted to Law Enforcement Unit Inspectors through Section 334 of the Criminal Procedure Act (Act 51 of 1977) remains an impeding factor in terms of arrests that lead to convictions. In most cases the defence challenge the capability of the Law Enforcement Unit Inspectors to effect arrests, thereby infuencing the court to render such arrests as invalid. 2.4.2. Significant Achievements with regard to the contribution toward the 2019-24 Medium-Term Strategic Framework and Provincial Development Plan MTSF Priority 1 – Capable, Ethical and Developmental State – The Limpopo Gambling Board (LGB), in its quest of regulating, monitoring and licensing the gambling industry in the Province, strives to render those services with a high level of professionalism. As part of the lever that seeks to contribute positively to this priority for driving the state that is transformative and capable of development, the Entity is fostering that obligation with the human resource that is skilled and capable of discharging their bestowed Programme 4: Law Enforcement Outcome 5: All modes of illegal gambling activities combatted
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