Limpopo Gambling Board Annual Report 2022
The Entity is authorised to licence 3 000 LPMs in terms of the National Gambling Act No.7 of 2004; however, only 1 500 LPMs may be licensed in the first phase. Fourteen LPM Site licence applications were processed during the financial year which will result in the Entity reaching the 1 500 first phase licensing limit during the first quarter of 2022/23. In the next financial year, the Board will request the NGB to conduct a socio-economic impact study of LPMs in Limpopo Province as per Regulation 13 of the National Gambling Act, to enable the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition to decide whether more LPMs should be licensed under phase 2.
During the financial year, VbetSA opened three Bookmaker sites in the Province. This brings the total number of operational Bookmaker sites in Limpopo to 95.
The opening of the Bookmaker sites and LPM Sites in the respective areas contributes to economic development by creating employment, offering entertainment to the local population, contributing to the local municipalities through municipal rates and taxes, and to the Provincial and National Government through taxes, levies and fees. The licensing of LPM sites and the opening of Bookmaker sites contributed to the creation of employment in the Province. The number of employees in the gambling industry increased by 2.93% (from 3745 employees to 3858). As the Entity continues to regulate and monitor Licensees, it is apparent that most Licensees are committed to maintaining a good compliance culture in line with the relevant legislation, licence conditions and internal control procedures. The Entity takes this opportunity to appreciate the efforts of the Licensees and looks forward to working together during 2022/23 under the aura of COVID-19. The additional mandate of the Entity is to investigate and combat illegal gambling activities through its Law Enforcement Business Unit. The Entity conducts this through collaboration with the SAPS, NPA and other Government Departments. In addition to the investigation of illegal gambling activities, the Entity conducts crime awareness campaigns to the entire community of Limpopo in line with the principles of Community Policing as a required policing model in South Africa. During the 2021/22 financial year, a total of 25 illegal gambling operators were arrested during investigations, and admission of guilt fines to the amount of R29 500.00 were paid within various police stations around Limpopo Province. A total of 59 cases were investigated during the financial year. Investigations also resulted in the confiscation of 116 illegal gambling machines in the form of Chinese Roulettes from various spaza shops and taverns throughout the Province. The Entity destroyed 57 illegal gambling machines and the remaining 59 will be destroyed during the 2022/23 financial year.
General Financial Review of the Public Entity
The operations of the Entity are funded through a grant from the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism. The Entity’s allocation in the current year increased from R60 million to R75
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