16. B-BBEE COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE INFORMATION The following table has been completed in accordance with the compliance to the BBBEE requirements of the BBBEE Act of 2013 and as determined by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. Has the Entity applied any relevant Code of Good Practice (B-BBEE Certificate Levels 1 – 8) with regards to the following:

Discussion (Include a discussion on your response and indicate what measures have been taken to comply)

Response Yes / No


Determining qualification criteria for the issuing of licences, concessions or other authorisations in respect of economic activity in terms of any law? Developing and implementing a preferential procurement policy?

Yes The Entity has in line with section 10 of the BBBEE Act, required Licensees to comply with the BBBEE levels set in the licence conditions of respective Licensees. Licensees have substantially complied with the set licence conditions. Remedial actions were instituted on Licensees that did not comply with the set BBBEE licence conditions.

Yes The Entity implemented the Preferential

Procurement Policy Framework Act as developed by the National Treasury and the Preferential Procurement Regulations 2022. The Entity developed and approved its own Preferential Procurement Policy to evaluate bids/quotations above R 2000.00 threshold. The preference point system in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulation, 2022 and Preferential Procurement Policy of the Entity was used to evaluate the bids/quotations. The preference point system included 80/20 in which 80 was the points scored for price while 20 was the points for specific goals. The Entity did not conclude any bid in excess of R 50 million threshold.

Determining qualification criteria for the sale of state owned enterprises? Developing criteria for entering into partnerships with the private sector? Determining criteria for the awarding of incentives, grants and investment schemes in support of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment?

No Not applicable

No Not applicable

No Not applicable



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