LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 2. New standards and interpretations 2.1 Standards and interpretations issued, but not yet effective

The entity has not applied the following standards and interpretations, which have been published and are mandatory for the entity’s accounting periods beginning on or after 01 April 2023 or later periods:

Effective date: Years beginning on or after

Standard/ Interpretation:

Expected impact:

• G RAP 25 (as revised): Employee Benefits

01 April 2099

Unlikely there will be a material impact Unlikely there will be a material impact Unlikely there will be a material impact Unlikely there will be a material impact Unlikely there will be a material impact Unlikely there will be a material impact Unlikely there will be a material impact

• i GRAP 7 (as revised): Limit on defined benefit asset, minimum funding requirements and their interaction • Guideline: Guideline on the Application of Materiality to Financial Statements • G RAP 104 (as revised): Financial Instruments • i GRAP 21: The Effect of Past Decisions on Materiality • G RAP 2020: Improvements to the standards of GRAP 2020 • G RAP 1 (amended): Presentation of Financial Statements

01 April 2099

01 April 2099

01 April 2025

01 April 2023

01 April 2023

01 April 2023



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