How to be a successful Small Group Leader: How to be a successful Small Group Leader: s ss G t be a s cce ful ma l Gr u Le r:

for the members of your Group. for the me bers of your G oup. o th m o y G f r the e bers of your Group.




2. Consider partnering with a to help share the responsibility of caring for and leading your Group. 3. with Group members outside of weekly meetings via phone, WhatsApp, email, SMS or face-to-face. Encourage group members to connect with each other throughout the week as well. 2. Consider partnering with a to help share the r sponsibil ty of caring for and leading your G oup. 3. with Group me bers outside of weekly meetings via phone, WhatsApp, email, SM or face-to face. Encourage group me bers to c nnect with each other throughout the week as well. pa e w th a o h th r bi ty o c r fo a l d y G G m o s e o w e y i vi p W sA p e S o fa o fa c r e p me r t c ne w t e o r ghout t w a w . 2. Consider partnering it a t help share the r sponsibility of caring for and leading your Group. 3. ith Group e bers outside f w ekly eetings via phone, Whats p, email, SM r face-t -face. Encourag rou bers to c n ct ith ach ther throu t the eek s e l.

through laughter and by creating an enjoyable through laughter and by creating an e joyable h o l e a b cr i a e o e t r ugh laughter and y creating an e j yable

4. Have

4. Have 4. Have

environment. r .

environment. environment.

5. Respect people’s p

by beginning and ending your by beginni g and endi g your a e y by eginni g and ending your

5. Respect people’s 5. Respect people’s

Set clear expectations. cle e e o s Set clear xp cta i ns. Set clear expectations.

Group on time. o ti

Group on time. Group n time.

Group members to attend church services and events with you like weekend services, conferences, or outreach opportunities. You are a connector. Group around a member going through a crisis. Use wisdom and be sensitive. What an honor to walk with people through difficult times – always remember we do not have to fix them, we point them to the One who can. Group me bers to attend church services and events with you like weekend services, conferences, or outreach opportunities. You are a connector. Group around a me ber going through a crisis. Use wisdom and be s nsitive. What an hon r to walk with people through difficult times – always rem ber we do n t have to fix them, we point them to he One who can. m to a e c s r s e s w t y l e w e s r s c e o re o un i u a a c ne G a a m go t o a c s w s a b s n tive. t h n r t w k w t le th gh d f c t t me – a y r w d n to fi t w p t to th O e w c n Group e bers to a tend church services and ev nts with you like ek nd services, confer nces, or outreach pport ities. Yo re co ctor. roup around a me ber g ing thr ugh a crisis. Use isdom and e sensitive. What n o r to al with peopl t rou ifficult tim s always reme ber we o t have to fix them, e oint them t the ne ho can.







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