Rolling out our Career guidance drive - assisting rural high school learners to make career choices that work for them!

can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.” (Nelson Mandela)

The INSETA embarked on career guidance roadshows initiative targeting rural areas in the provinces. The first INSETA rural career guidance event was held in July 2019 in partnership with Nkangala TVET College at Siyabuswa Campus. After a year’s break due to COVID-19, INSETA ran two more successful events in Taung, North West and Kuruman, Northern Cape provinces supported by The Department of Education Districts, Municipalities, Insurance companies and SETAs. The aim of these rural career guidance events is to educate, inform and expose rural learners to various opportunities offered by the insurance sector and SETAs. Students from various local schools who want to pursue careers in insurance and other sectors were equipped with information on how they can further their studies, how to access skill development programmes including leanerships, internships, skills programmes and bursaries for youth. The invited insurance companies and SETAs presented their recruitment requirements and students were also given opportunities to have one on one sessions with the presenters. As INSETA, we realised that most young people leave school with only limited knowledge of employment opportunities and with a limited insight to the most appropriate career direction for their abilities, interest and personality. It is true that when it comes to choosing a career, making the right decision is vital, INSETA therefore strongly believes that more of such events will eventually yield desired outcomes and seeing the throughput rate increase in remote rural disadvantaged communities. Seeing how these learners are eager to ask questions and take as much of information they can, their eyes tell a story of wanting to be empowered. “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine that a child of farm workers

The expos were held follows:

Taung: 21-22 April 2021 – Career Guidance for rural Grade 12 learners & Life Orientation Teachers.

Kuruman: 06-07 May 2021 – Career Guidance for rural Grade 12 learners & Life Orientation Teachers Exhibitors: 1. Insurance Sector Education & Training Authority (INSETA) 2. Momentum Metropolitan Insurance (MMI) 3. Sanlam Sky 6. Media, Information, Communication & Technologies Sector Education & Training Authority (MICT SETA) 7. Local Government Sector Education & Training Authority (LGSETA) 8. Wholesale & Retail Sector Education & Training Authority (W&R SETA) Testimonials from the students: “Am happy to be part of this career and skill development expo as I learned more in career choices and all the opportunities offered by INSETA and other SETAs that include leanerships and bursaries” - Nikiwe Osegetswe – Galaletsang High School “Am student currently doing commercial subjects and am happy to be part of the INSETA rural career guidance exhibition. As from today I know about SETAs and employers that offer bursaries and leanerships after completing my studies to gain more skill that will enable me to further my studies” - Thabang Marabotsa – Baitiredi Technical & Commercial High School


MAY - JUNE 2021


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