
GPW’s ½ rst ever public website went live in August 2012, at the same time as the company began to publish gazettes electronically for download. Both new initiatives have been favourably received, with the process for gazette contributors and advertisers also seeing improvement, where stories and advertising material can now be submitted online instead of via fax or physical delivery as previously. From an organisational structure perspective, positions for four general managers (GMs), reporting directly to the CEO were aligned, covering strategic management, human resources (HR), production and operations, and ½ nancial services.The strategic management and HR roles will be ½ lled early in the 2013/ 2014 ½ nancial year, thus completing the executive committee team. At the end of the last ½ nancial year, 90 percent of identi ½ ed posts between levels one and 12 had been ½ lled. Staff members also undertook extensive technical training (more than 90 days worth) over the past year, in preparation for the launch of the new ERP system. Moreover, training to promote health and safety within the organisation commenced, to ensure that all employees understand their rights in terms of safety and to promote a safe working environment for all. The renovation of the GPW’s new Visagie Street premises has not progressed as quickly as hoped. This will be a major focus for the next ½ nancial year, in order to ensure that the entire organisation is moved across to the new site by the end of 2014 and completes its asset recapitalisation programme. The GPW’s new focus and vision is to further entrench itself within the South African private and public sectors, while also extending its reach beyond the borders into southern Africa. A large part of this progression will include its transformation into a print and media company, employing paper, synthetic substrates and internet-based media to deliver its products.

We look forward to the next ½ nancial year’s opportunities and challenges, and thank the Minister of Home Affairs and her department for their continued support.

Prof. AD Mbewu

Pretoria 31 May 2013



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