
125 year anniversary


Preface to Government Printing Works Annual Report 2012/13 by Mrs GNM Pandor MP, Minister of Home Affairs

The Government Printing Works GPW has made considerable progress in the past ½ nancial year towards reaching its vision of becoming ‘the State’s mandated security printer’.

The mission of GPW is to provide:

cost effective, reliable and timeous services to all spheres of government in printing; the public with equitable information; and dissemination of government information; through technology, innovation and service excellence Notable initiatives by GPW in this ½ nancial year include nine new pieces of equipment purchased as part of the asset replacement programme. This programme entails spending R 385 million over the MTEF period to replace outdated technology and machinery. The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system went live in October 2012, and is currently being optimised. It integrates management information ¾ ow in the ½ nance and production environments using an IT backbone. The new public website was launched in August 2012, and provides access to the electronic Government Gazette for stakeholders.

New business in the ½ eld of general printing increased markedly, to the extent that the turnover of GPW now exceeds 900 million rands.

The new unabridged birth certi ½ cate was launched, as well as other documents for Government such as education certi ½ cates with enhanced security features.


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