Information and communication technology The information and communication technology systems of GPW have been completely overhauled, and now meet best practice internationally, with a fully functioning, high availability intranet and e-mail system, and secure ½ rewalls. The GPW external website was launched in August 2012, and has been well received. The address of the website is : Human resources The majority of the human resources policies, standard operating procedures and strategies have been revised, developed, customised and adopted.A new human capital strategy was implemented from the end of the review period.A workplace skills plan has been completed; and the policy of an average of two training days per employee annually was implemented. All identi ½ ed job evaluation and job descriptions were completed; and 90 percent of the vacant lower level posts identi ½ ed were ½ lled. A remuneration benchmark survey has been completed and a task team with the Department of Public Administration has been established to address a special remuneration dispensation. Improved mechanisms have been put in place to address staff grievances and all outstanding and new grievances were addressed and ½ nalised. Financial services In the ½ nance division an unquali ½ ed audit report was obtained from the Auditor-General.Turnaround times of monthly ½ nancial management performance reports were maintained below 14 days. Revenue has been impacted by the dwindling passport numbers, but nevertheless increased by 34 percent from the previous ½ nancial year to almost reach R 1 billion (R 929 million). Net surplus fell from R 192 million to R 109 million – a 43 percent decline. Debtors remain a challenge to the balance sheet. Conclusion The GPW has completed its three-year transition into a government component. This has been borne out in the increasing revenue stream, new customers arriving at our doorstep, and the award of the large and prestigious smart ID card project.The organisation has reached its goal of becoming the government’s “security printer of choice”; and its revenue now exceeds R 900 million, having more than doubled from 2009 to 2013. Signi ½ cant remaining challenges include the recruitment and retention of skilled human resources, addressing de ½ ciencies in the remuneration structures, accelerating renovation of the Visagie Street site, establishing smart ID card production and completing the asset recapitalisation programme. With the strong and unwavering support received from the Minister of Home Affairs and her department, we anticipate meeting all these challenges in the years that lie ahead. Nine pieces of new equipment were procured compared with the target of 10 pieces contained in the asset recapitalisation programme.
Prof.AD Mbewu Accounting of ½ cer Pretoria 31 May 2013
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